Lunch at 1stfarmers Convention: What’s on the menu?

[ April 8, 2023 by tanveer 0 Comments ]

When planning a lunch menu for a farmers convention, it is important to consider the tastes and dietary restrictions of the attendees. Here is a sample menu that incorporates a variety of flavors and options:

  1. Appetizers: Assorted cheese and crackers, fresh fruit platter, and mixed green salad with a vinaigrette dressing.
  2. Main Course Options:
  • Grilled chicken with a side of roasted vegetables and a baked sweet potato
  • Vegetarian chili with cornbread muffins and a side of mixed greens
  • Pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw and a side of potato salad.
  1. Dessert: Freshly baked apple pie, vanilla ice cream, and coffee or tea.

It’s important to consider providing options that cater to dietary restrictions such as gluten-free and vegetarian options. Additionally, local and seasonal ingredients can be incorporated into the menu to highlight the farming community and support local businesses. By providing a diverse menu that caters to different tastes and dietary restrictions, attendees can enjoy a delicious and satisfying lunch during the convention.

As a Developer, What’s the Most Useful Thing You’ve Learned from Attending?

This isn’t exclusive to Expo, but I’ve always found speaking to as many of the speakers as possible is helpful. There’s also something called Office Hour, where you can speak one-on-one with folks to get ideas and find the spark you might be looking for.

How Should a Developer Divide Their Time to Get the Most Out?

Always the question! Make sure to check out the schedule (especially the FullSTK stage as that is full of technical content) and have a plan for your time. I might be biased, since I’ve hosted and spoken on FullSTK over the past few years. Make sure to take breaks, though. Expo can be busy, with a fast pace. Look for places in the schedule where you can walk away and focus on chatting to folks, just to review ideas.

  • It was a talk by Curt Cronin about teams and leadership. Based on his experience as a Navy Seal.
  • There are always plenty of great talks – I focus mostly on FullSTK and as a developer.
  • I try to engage with as many people as possible to see where things are leading and where the focus is.
What’s the Most Useful Talk You’ve Ever Seen at Genesis Expo?

One of the best talks I’ve seen was at Expo in 2018. It was a talk by Curt Cronin about teams and leadership. Based on his experience as a Navy Seal, he discussed how teams of developers (and the greater tech space) can function better when focusing on trust and communication. There are always plenty of great talks – I focus mostly on FullSTK and as a developer, with the occasional nod to a Centre Stage talk from leaders in the industry.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

That said, nothing compares to being involved. I try to engage with as many people as possible to see where things are leading and where the focus is. There are some conversations that become more “what not to do”, but overall, engaging with people is where I learn most.

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